celebrating the year of the fire monkey…

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Monkey Press is named after the Monkey King – popularised in the 16th century novel ‘Journey to the West’. Monkey blends skill and initiative with irreverence and a sense of freedom – ridiculing pomposity and cutting through illusion. He particularly enjoys upsetting the hierarchical structures of both religion and government, infuriating the Jade Emperor and the Queen of Heaven by stealing peaches of immortality from their garden.

So the year of the monkey is likely to be an interesting one! And what will the fire element bring? Less havoc than wood, maybe, and hopefully an increase of that monkey intuition and clarity of perception… the ability to discriminate and refine. The fire element could make this into a highly energetic and transformative year – we just have to make sure that we use that discrimination and clarity of perception before taking a leap into the unknown!

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